Troop Forms
Merit Badge Counselor List
A list of active Merit Badge Counselors within the Troop, along with contact information.
Troop 3000 Handbook
General information about the Troop’s membership, meeting schedules, troop organization and youth leadership opportunities.
Annual Health, Medical Record and Parental Consent
Must be completed for all Scouts, including adult leaders. (Part C of this form is required for any event that exceeds 72 consecutive hours, a resident camp setting, or when the nature of the activity is strenuous and demanding, such as service projects, work weekends, or high-adventure treks. The High Adventure check-box must be completed for any High-Adventure trek or camp). Note: the original source of this online fillable form is:
Personal Camping Gear Checklist
Only select equipment is needed depending on campout/activity.
Patrol Equipment Checklist
To be used by Patrol Quartermasters
Troop 3000 Expense Form
For qualified expenses with approvals
Service Hours Form
Completed by scouts to submit their service project work
Personal Fitness Merit Badge Requirements
Requirements for the personal fitness merit badge