Troop Outreach
Troop Outreach
- Troop 3000 supports this important medical supply outreach with an annual Service Project day for sorting and packing supplies prior to distribution.
- Troop 3000 provides regular trash clean-up along a one mile stretch of Birmingham Road.
Scouting for Food
- Troop 3000 collects food items from the community to distribute to those less fortunate families.
Birmingham Park
- Troop 3000 has been responsible for trailblazing and other service projects since the Park’s establishment in 2011.
Secure Document Shredding and Electronic Disposal
- Troop 3000, in conjunction with the City of Milton, offers residents the opportunity to dispose of unwanted electronics and secure documents to help protect our environment.
Earth Day Celebration
- Troop 3000 provides monkey bridge, setup and cleanup services for this annual event.
Milton Round-Up
- Troop 3000 provides setup, traffic management and cleanup services for this annual event.
Birmingham United Methodist
- Troop 3000 provides grounds upkeep and special project support as well as community outreach progams, such as Walk-for-Water.
Eagle and General Service Projects
- Troop 3000 regularly assists with various community support projects and activities in general.